How to Make Your B2B Marketing More Exciting!

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How to Make Your B2B Marketing More Exciting!

Written by
Jo Sharma
Published on
September 5, 2024

Many B2C ad campaigns over the years have taken big risks to tell creative stories and attract the attention of their audience and the reason this works is because there’s almost an endless amount of individual customers out there. 

On the other hand, within the B2B world, it feels like giving off the wrong impression to the limited businesses in your field could destroy your business. As a result of this mentality, many businesses believe that their ads need to play it safe to be successful and B2B marketing in general has garnered a reputation for being boring and unimaginative. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Creating exciting and innovative ads can help make your brand more memorable, increase leads, improve conversions, and generate more sales. This blog will break down our top tips on how to reinvigorate your B2B lead generation strategy.

Embrace Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for B2B marketing because it can help to humanise your brand and directly connect to your audience in a way that feels genuine and accessible. 

By regularly posting updates, sharing industry news and insights, and engaging with your followers, you can build a strong online presence and create a more exciting and interactive experience for your audience, and over time this can also significantly increase the organic traffic to your website.

Another benefit of social media is that it’s super flexible. If you want to save money and try to develop an organic following over time, you got it! If you want to promote or boost specific posts, that works too! Or if you want to create a detailed ad campaign strategy, budget, and timeline, the tools are also available for you to do just that!

Social media is a great place to get creative with your content and try new things. If you’d like some more guidance on how to make the most of social media for your B2B Facebook ads, read our complete guide.

Don’t Be Afraid to Stand Out

One of the biggest challenges for B2B marketing is standing out in a crowded market. However, by taking a bold approach and being willing to stand out, you can differentiate your brand and capture the attention of your audience. 

So what are the best ways to stand out? In our opinion, the key to standing out is ensuring that your content is genuinely useful to your target audience. Luckily, finding out what your audience cares about is easier now than ever with the help of keyword research. Once you’ve honed in on your audience's interests and concerns then it’s time to back that research up with well-written articles to follow through on the home run. 

To find out more about how good copy can help boost your business and help you to stand out, read our previous blog here.

Experiment and Measure the Results

Marketing is all about experimentation and learning what works and what doesn't. Therefore, it is important to be willing to try new things and measure the results. 

One of the major strengths of social media in particular as a b2b lead generation tool is that you can easily test the results of your posts (these tools are built into Facebook Business Manager) and optimise your strategy.

This could involve running A/B tests on your email campaigns, testing different social media strategies, or trying out new content formats. By continuously experimenting and measuring the results, you can identify what works best for your audience and make your B2B marketing more exciting and effective


B2B marketing doesn't have to be boring and stale. By embracing social media, being willing to stand out, and continuously experimenting and measuring the results, you can make your B2B marketing more exciting and engaging for your audience. By doing so, you can build a strong brand and drive business growth. So, try out these tips and see how they can help to take your B2B marketing to the next level.

If you need of a little extra help implementing effective ads for your business, look no further than Sydney’s best b2b lead generation agency Drum Digital. Get in touch today!

How to understand your customers and why this is good for business growth
Jo Sharma

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