Integrating AI into Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing
-minute read

Integrating AI into Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Written by
Jo Sharma
Published on
July 30, 2024

Of all a company’s functions, marketing has perhaps the most to gain from Artificial Intelligence (AI). In fact, an analysis of more than 400 advanced use cases showed that marketing was the domain where AI would contribute the greatest value.

With AI quickly becoming a non-negotiable component of digital marketing, we wanted to explore why it’s so integral and examples of how you can use it in your digital strategy. 

How AI Enhances Digital Marketing

AI uses machine learning and large-language models (LLM) to analyse data and turn it into actionable insights and content.

AI can automate processes, predict future trends, and even interact with customers who perform a specific behaviour on your website, such as clicking a button or liking a social media post.

This enables marketers to make more informed decisions and optimise their marketing strategies for better results.

Best Practices for Using AI in Digital Marketing

The main ways in which digital marketers are using AI are as follows:

  • Data Analysis/Reporting - AI can collect and sift through large amounts of data from multiple marketing platforms and summarise the findings, this helps to save time when planning and creating marketing campaigns.
  • Content Creation - Marketers can use AI to write marketing content such as captions, social media posts, emails, and blogs. However, this is often best to be used as a starting point, with only 6% of marketers publishing AI-generated content with no changes. 
  • Reduce Admin - AI can quickly tackle manual tasks like scheduling meetings, summarising articles, and taking notes.
  • Chatbots - Chatbots can converse with consumers through text or voice, enabling customers to contact your company during non-working hours and freeing up employee time.

Pros and Cons of AI in Digital Marketing

AI brings many benefits, however, there are some drawbacks. Let’s take a quick look at the pros and cons of this innovative tech:


  1. Increased ROI
  2. Speed and Efficiency
  3. Improved Customer Experience
  4. Data-Based Marketing Decisions


  1. Content Inaccuracy and Factual Errors
  2. Risks to Customer Privacy
  3. Copyright Concerns
  4. Difficult to Evaluate Non-Quantifiable KPIs

Real-World Examples of AI in Digital Marketing

We appreciate that this is a lot of information,  so it might help to see some real-world examples of how certain well-known companies have used AI throughout their marketing campaigns.

Spotify uses AI to understand its users’ music interests, podcast preferences, purchase history, location, brand interactions, and more. They then use this data to create playlists and recommendations that are personal to each user. 

This expansive use of personalisation helps to convert users.

Amazon works in a similar way, by using predictive analysis to create a list of ‘recommended products’ that they believe a customer is likely to make a purchase.

Using AI in Digital Marketing

Before you begin using AI in your digital marketing be sure to get clear on your goals, analyse your current infrastructure and staff capabilities, and carefully select the right AI tools. Start implementing AI slowly in your strategy and analyse as you go to see what works and what doesn’t. 

If you require support with your digital marketing strategy, please get in touch with a member of the Drum Digital team today. Our team of marketing experts are on hand to lead and help you succeed in the online landscape, amplifying your message to the tune of better business.

Jo Sharma

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